Text editors are normally used for editing plain text files. Some text editors are having very simple interface and nice features like syntax coloring. Crimson Editor is one of my favorite text editors. You can have a look at some of the best text editors.
Crimson Editor
Crimson Editor is a professional source code editor for Windows.This program is not only fast in loading time, but also small in size (so small that it can be copied in one floppy disk).While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java.
EditPad Lite
EditPad Lite is a general-purpose text editor, designed to be small and compact, yet offer all the functionality you expect from a basic text editor. EditPad Lite works with Windows NT4, 98, 2000, ME, XP and Vista.
EditPad Lite is free for non-commercial use.
NoteTab is a leading-edge text and HTML editor. Winner of software industry awards since 1998, this application does it all: it easily handles a stack of huge files; lets you format text to your heart's content; does system-wide searches, and multi-line global replacements. It even corrects your spelling mistakes.
jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it.
While jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and ease of use, it is released as free software with full source code, provided under the terms of the GPL 2.0.